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Critical Edition of Antiphon c5010

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A.CAO-V CAO-D Hyd Alb2 Evm Wcb Cdm Wor Pet:
CAO-D Alb2: Splendent Bethleemitici campi
Evm Wcb: Splendent Bethleem campi
CAO-V Hyd Cdm Wor Pet: Splendet Bethleemiticus campus
de candidata turba infantium pretiosa corpora pro Christo
CAO-D Alb2: caesa iacebant sub Herode
Evm Wcb: caesa iacebant ab Herode
CAO-V Cdm Wor Pet: caesa iacent sub Herode
Hyd: caesa iacent sub Herode quos tamen ille ferox pueros occidit et atrox ecce dei vineum laudant comitantur et agnum cantantes illi nova cantica virginitatis alleluia
A.Hyd(2): Splendet Bethleemiticus campus de candidata turba infantium pretiosa corpora pro Christo caesa iacent sub Herode